Monday, December 1, 2008

Obama National-Security Team Set

Full story here

Retaining Defense Secretary Robert Gates.
He will tap retired Marine Gen. James Jones as his national-security adviser
Nominate Sen. Hillary Clinton as his secretary of state.
Mr. Obama also will name former Clinton administration Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder as attorney general
Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano as the secretary of homeland security
Susan Rice as his ambassador to the United Nations

The president-elect unveiled his economic team last week,
New York Federal Reserve President Timothy Geithner as his Treasury secretary
former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers as director of the National Economic Council.

Retired Navy Adm. Dennis Blair was the front-runner to be the director of national intelligence

Obama to restore UN ambassador's post to Cabinet rank

Monday, November 17, 2008

Obama hires more former Clinton staff

Obama Hires More Clinton White House Veterans

Obama showing us what he will be like by hiring people who will agree with himat best and who as far left as he is may make him look more to the senter.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Obama and the economic crisis (Don't bother me)

Obama stays away from talks with G20 Obama stays away from talks with G20

Obama conveniently avoids any kind of responsibility towawards real change. His excuse, I'm not the president yet, so basically he can't be bothered.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Obama & Guantanamo

Obama planning US trials for Guantanamo detainees

Will Obama just send out invitations for the next terrorist attack or will he let it be a surprise?

Obama and Hamas

Hamas says met Obama advisors in Gaza

Not really shocking but further proof of the Jimmy Carter like change we're going to get.

Obama calls for less terrorism, but not none

On Friday, Obama offered a public reaction to the letter in his first post-election news conference, saying that he would review it and respond appropriately. But he also said that Iranian "support for terrorist organizations has to ease" and that its suspected development of nuclear weapons was not acceptable. Taken from

It's good that Obama wants Iran to ease it's terrorist support down to a reasonable level. Maybe just a couple of terrorists attacks on the weekends and on other times. Maybe if Obama keeps this up we can have peace in our time with Iran.